Upcoming events

Global Health Seminar: Patricia Cavazos-Rehg and Proscovia Nabunya
The WashU Global Health Center is hosting a talk by Patricia Cavazos-Rehg, PhD and Proscovia Nabunya, PhD on "Utilizing Technology to Close the Mental Health Treatment Gap."

2025 HIV Proposal Bootcamp
Bootcamp is a full-day in-person event designed to support emerging HIV investigators in developing competitive grant proposals. During the event, attendees receive rapid, expert feedback through a series of 30-minute, face-to-face "lightning round" consultations with established investigators.

SWG Community Collaborative Meeting
Join the next meeting of our multidisciplinary research collaborative focused on addressing the needs of neglected populations affected by the HIV epidemic in Missouri.

Distinguished Visiting Speaker: Nadia Sam-Agudu
Nadia Sam-Agudu, MD, CTropMed, is a clinician-scientist and implementation researcher serving as director of the Global Pediatrics Program at the University of Minnesota Medical School.
ICTS NIH Mock Study Section
The purpose of this ICTS program is to increase the likelihood of grant funding success by providing comprehensive, study section-like feedback to applicants on their complete grant application prior to grant submission.
HIV Works in Progress (HIP) Seminar: Ross Brownson and Charles Goss
HIP is designed to enhance mentoring and peer-to-peer connections among emerging HIV investigators, supporting their career development and helping them successfully obtain their first R01 awards.
Presenters: Ross Brownson, PhD, and Chuck Goss, PhD

HIV Works in Progress (HIP) Seminar: Ginger McKay and Lindsey Filiatreau
HIP is designed to enhance mentoring and peer-to-peer connections among emerging HIV investigators, supporting their career development and helping them successfully obtain their first R01 awards.
Presenters: Ginger McKay, PhD, and Lindsey Filiatreau, PhD

CFAR-Wide Seminar Series presented by the UNC CFAR
The UNC CFAR is hosting this CFAR-Wide Seminar Series: Introducing the Midwest Developmental Center for AIDS Research, presented by Elvin Geng, MD, MPH

CFAR-Wide Seminar Series presented by Tennessee CFAR
CFAR-Wide Seminar Series hosted by Tennessee CFAR Presents: HIV and Cardiovascular Disease: Getting to the Heart of the Matter presented by Matthew S. Freiberg, MD, MSc.

iCHAD/IMPACT Speaker Series: Kwasi Torpey
The iCHAD Speaker Series provides a platform for faculty and other experts to discuss their research on current global and societal economic and health issues.
Presenter: Kwasi Torpey, PhD, MPH

Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI)
Come support our Midwest D-CFAR presenters at CROI 2025! Click this link to view the oral and poster presentations from folks in the Midwest D-CFAR.

Emory CFAR Implementation Science Hub Speaker Series: Ginger McKay
The Emory CFAR is hosting WashU’s Ginger McKay as a visiting speaker. This is a hybrid event, happening in person in Atlanta, Georgia, and virtually on Zoom.

HIV Works in Progress (HIP) Seminar: Chenyang Lu and Kalen Petersen
HIP is designed to enhance mentoring and peer-to-peer connections among emerging HIV investigators, supporting their career development and helping them successfully obtain their first R01 awards.
Presenters: Chenyang Lu, PhD; Kalen Petersen, PhD

iCHAD Speaker Series: Jacaranda van Rheenen
The ICHAD Speaker Series provides a platform for faculty and other experts to discuss their research on current global and societal economic and health issues.
Presenter: Jacaranda van Rheenen, PhD

Partners 4 Health Meet and Greet
Learn about our Partners 4 Health innovation contest - an opportunity for anyone to suggest an idea that could change the course of the HIV epidemic in the midwest.

Webinar: From Exclusion to Inclusion: Reimagining HIV Research for Black Communities
This webinar will explore the systemic barriers that have historically marginalized Black communities in HIV research and discuss actionable strategies for creating more inclusive practices.

HIV Works in Progress (HIP) Seminar: Phillip Marotta, Liang Shan
HIP is designed to enhance mentoring and peer-to-peer connections among emerging HIV investigators, supporting their career development and helping them successfully obtain their first R01 awards.
Presenters: Phillip Marotta, PhD; Liang Shan, PhD

SWG Community Collaborative Meeting
Our multidisciplinary research collaborative is focused on addressing the needs of neglected populations affected by the HIV epidemic in Missouri.

HIV Translational Grand Rounds: Strategies for Curing HIV Infection
HIV Translational Grand Rounds are quarterly seminars fostering cross-disciplinary discourse on HIV-related challenges.
Presenter: Robert Siliciano, MD, PhD; professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University.

Partners 4 Health Contest Info Session
Learn about our Partners 4 Health innovation contest - an opportunity for anyone to suggest an idea that could change the course of the HIV epidemic in the midwest.

HIV Works in Progress (HIP) Seminar: Patricia Cavazos-Rehg and Octavio Messner
HIP is designed to enhance mentoring and peer-to-peer connections among emerging HIV investigators, supporting their career development and helping them successfully obtain their first R01 awards.
Presenters: Patricia Cavazos-Rehg, PhD, and Octavio Messner, PhD.

Distinguished Visiting Speaker: Whitney Irie
Dr. Whitney Irie will present on Centering Black Women in the Health Equity Movement through PrEP.

Partners 4 Health Contest Info Session
Learn about our Partners 4 Health innovation contest - an opportunity for anyone to suggest an idea that could change the course of the HIV epidemic in the midwest.

SWG Community Collaborative Kickoff
Join the first meeting of our multidisciplinary research collaborative focused on addressing the needs of neglected populations affected by the HIV epidemic in Missouri.

HIV Works in Progress (HIP) Seminar: Elvin Geng and Phillip Marotta
Presenters: Elvin Geng, MD, MPH, and Phillip Marotta, PhD

Inter-CFAR Health Equity Working Group Launch
An initiative of the Duke CFAR aimed at connecting HIV-focused investigators dedicated to reducing inequities across HIV prevention, care, and treatment.

Strategic NIH Grant Writing Retreat
This one-week-long grant writing retreat will teach participants key strategies for writing successful grants supporting the Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) initiative in Missouri. Held virtually from 10am-12pm daily.

HIV Works in Progress (HIP) Seminar: Sarah Cooley and Richard Grucza
Presenters: Sarah Cooley, PhD, and Richard Grucza, PhD

28th Annual National CFAR Meeting
Hosted by the Einstein-Rockefeller-CUNY Center for AIDS Research. In person in New York City, New York. Register online by August 14. More information here.

WashU Medicine Grand Rounds: Juliet Iwelunmor
Midwest D-CFAR co-director Juliet Iwelunmor will deliver a talk, titled: Hope and Hurdles With Sustaining Global Health Research.

10th Annual Mentoring the Mentors Workshop for HIV Researchers
Hosted by the UCSF CFAR. In person in San Francisco, California. Register online by September 13. More information here.

Midwest D-CFAR Speaker Series: HIV Research and Community Impact
Dr. Oliver Chukwujekwu Ezichi and Dr. Juliet Iwelunmor will present as part of the first D-CFAR speaker series of 2024.

Distinguished Visiting Speaker: Oliver Chukwujekwu Ezechi
Dr. Oliver Chukwujekwu Ezichi will present on Growing Global Connections to Advance Participatory Action Research in Nigeria.

HIV Works in Progress (HIP) Seminar: Samuel Kizito, Fred Ssewamala, and others
Fred Ssewamala, Proscovia Nabunya, Josephine Nabayinda, and Samuel Kizito will present.

Midwest D-CFAR Launch
Meet and greet the D-CFAR leadership and team members, hear presentations on the latest developments in HIV/AIDS research, network with public health experts and community stakeholders, and join discussions on D-CFAR future directions.

HIV Works in Progress (HIP) Seminar: Juliet Iwelunmor and Aditi Ramakrishnan
Juliet Iwelunmor and Aditi Ramakrishnan will present on HIV grantwriting and designing PrEP retention strategies in Missouri.