ACTG/IMPAACT Specimen Repositories
Specimens that were initially collected for specific studies that have concluded, and are now available to investigators conducting new research. (A collaboration between the ACTG and IMPAACT clinical trial networks).
National NeuroHIV Tissue Consortium (NNTC)
The NNTC provides variety of tissues and samples from HIV positive and negative patients, accompanied by comprehensive histories and clinical data.
Centers for AIDS Research Network of Integrated Clinical Systems (CNICS)
CNICS integrates longitudinal clinical data and treatment management of people living with HIV and provides research infrastructure to support HIV-associated clinical, social, and behavioral outcomes and comparative effectiveness research.
Washington University Infectious Diseases Clinical Research Unit (ID-CRU)
WashU’s ID-CRU provides infrastructure to assist investigators with conducting clinical and translational research studies.
Taylor Geospatial Institute Data Services (TGI)
Staffed with a team of geospatial computing engineers and data scientists, the TGI can provide data collection and analytics services across a diverse spectrum of data including drone and satellite based hyperspectral, LiDAR, thermal, SAR, GPR, magnetometry, etc.