Clinical Science Core

Despite significant progress in combating clinical AIDS through antiretroviral therapy, HIV-related conditions – especially syndemic factors like mental health issues, drug use, and unstable housing – continue to impact the epidemic in Missouri. Additionally, as the HIV-positive population ages, comorbid clinical conditions such as cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders, mental health, and impaired cognitive function contribute significantly to healthy life-years lost. The Midwest D-CFAR Clinical Science Core (CSC) is committed to addressing the persistent clinical challenges posed by HIV and its related conditions by supporting creative and interdisciplinary clinical science projects.

To request a service from the Clinical Science Core, fill out a request form. You can also email us with questions at

Information about WashU’s Infectious Diseases Clinical Research Unit (ID-CRU) can be found here.

Core Team

  • Beau Ances, MD, PhD

    Beau Ances, MD, PhD


    Washington University in St. Louis | Research: Neuroimaging, neurogenerative diseases, HIV and aging, neurocognitive disorders, biomarkers

  • Rachel Presti, MD, PhD

    Rachel Presti, MD, PhD


    Washington University in St. Louis | Research: HIV cure, antiretroviral therapy, HIV vaccines, HIV and aging, immune reconstitution


Core Services

“One-Stop-Shop” Consultation

Researchers face a myriad of logistical complexities that can be daunting and time-consuming. The CSC provides a streamlined, efficient, training and consultation pathway to launch clinical research. We can offer guidance for a variety of foundational clinical research practices, including study coordination, protocol development, ethical and regulatory approval, and access to clinical trial unit facilities.

The CSC also provides analytical, biostatistical, data management, and geospatial support, including cohort analysis, survival analysis, repeated measured longitudinal data, and multi-state and trajectory modeling.

Our experts and their expertise

  • Beau Ances, MD, PhD - brain imaging for HIV, neurodegenerative and neuroinfectious diseases, HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND), and peripheral neuropathy

  • Andrew Atkinson, PhD - developing methods for handling missing data in clinical trials and in large observational cohorts, novel clinical trial design methods, causal inference, and prediction modeling with machine learning and graph theoretic approaches

  • Michael Klebert, PhD - clinical research, regulatory and protocol development, IRB, consent forms

  • Rachel Presti, MD, PhD - pathogenesis HIV disease, emerging viruses, immunology, clinical and translational research, HIV cure studies, vaccine studies

  • Adam Wilcox, PhD - data management and analysis, rapid profiling of patient populations, establishing data sets from a clinic-based cohort of PLWH, producing analysis datasets from electronic health records

Core Activities

Translational HIV Science Studios (THiS Studios)

THiS Studios are monthly or bi-monthly small gatherings of diverse scholars to discuss and address interdisciplinary problems related to HIV, convened by the Clinical Science Core and supported by the Developmental Core.

HIV Transdisciplinary Grand Rounds (HIG-R)

This quarterly Grand Rounds aims to create an integrated forum for a shared understanding of the complex social, behavioral, and clinical aspects of HIV and the status of evidence-based interventions for HIV prevention, testing, treatment, and support. It also provides an opportunity for networking, professional development, and initiating collaborations among researchers from various disciplines involved in HIV research.