Partner Pilot Awards

Letters of Intent

Full Application Instructions

Partner Pilot Awards support investigator pairs, with one person from an academic institution and the other from a community-based organization or public health agency.


Application period opens:  September 25
Letter of intent due: October 21
Full proposal due: November 15
Notifications: December 18

We invite proposals in basic, clinical, behavioral, substance use, and implementation science research that align with the priorities of the Office of AIDS Research (OAR) and Ending the HIV Epidemic. Clinical trials are not allowed. Faculty with primary appointments at WashU, SLU, and HSSU, and who are early-stage investigators or who are established investigators new to HIV/AIDS research are eligible to apply. Eligible investigators who are members of racial or ethnic groups historically under-represented in research and/or sexual and gender minority groups are particularly encouraged to apply.

Pilot awards will be awarded for one year and amount to $20,000 in direct costs only. Indirect costs will not be awarded. Contact the D-CFAR Developmental Core with questions about specific budget information.

Letters of Intent (LOIs) are due on October 21, 2024, and full applications are due November 15, 2024.

The LOI is strongly recommended, but not required. The LOI is limited to one page and should include the title of the project, a brief description of the project, and a list of key personnel with their titles, institutions, and roles. Additionally, the LOI should include the proposed use of Midwest D-CFAR Core facilities (see Midwest D-CFAR services). All investigators who submit an LOI should plan to submit a complete application.

The Developmental Core can assist early-stage investigators in finding a mentor to help with pilot project applications and career development. The D-CFAR Stakeholder and Community Advisory Committee (SAC) can also help with projects involving community participants. Submit requests for assistance, questions, and LOIs to

Pairs will submit a joint, six-page research proposal that will include the following sections:

Research Proposal

A. Specific aims

B. Research strategy (If applicable, discuss the PI's preliminary studies, data, data analysis plan, and/or experience pertinent to this application as part of the research strategy, keeping within the sections listed above).

C. Next stage funding


Additional required information:

D. Milestones

E. Bibliography and references cited

F. Budget and budget justification

G. NIH biosketch

H. Protection of human subjects, planned enrollment, data and safety monitoring plan (if applicable)

I. Vertebrate animals (if applicable)

J. Select agent research

K. Consortium/Contractual arrangements (if applicable)

L. Consultants (if applicable)


For new faculty and early-stage investigators:

  1. Individual development plan

  2. Planned responsible conduct of research training

  3. Letter of support from the department/division head for faculty applicants or the primary mentor for postdoctoral applicants

  4. Recommendation letter from one faculty mentor