Ending the HIV epidemic in Missouri and the Midwest through groundbreaking research, innovative solutions, and community-driven practices for change

Collaboration and Coordination

Washington University in St. Louis and Saint Louis University have joined forces to establish the Midwest Developmental Center for AIDS Research (Midwest D-CFAR) with funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The center serves as a platform for researchers and public health workers to collaborate and coordinate their efforts to fight the HIV epidemic together. The Midwest D-CFAR is organized into four scientific cores (specialized resource hubs) that provide essential infrastructure, expertise, and services to enhance the quality and efficiency of HIV research. Visit our core services page to learn more.

Our vision is to equitably improve the lives of people affected by the HIV epidemic. Our mission is to expand the scope, quality, and impact of science addressing HIV. Our goal is to transform our institutions to lead science aligned with the NIH HIV research priorities, contributing to turning the tide on this epidemic.

HIV Works in Progress Seminar: Lindsey Filiatreau and Ginger McKay (virtual) - March 26, 2-3:15pm CST

HIV Proposal Bootcamp (in-person, by invite only) - April 9, 9am-5pm CST


More funding and training opportunities from the Midwest D-CFAR coming soon!

HIV News



Keep in touch with us to receive updates on Midwest D-CFAR events, training and funding opportunities, and more!